Oliver had fun spending time with Great Grandma and Grandpa Ullery.

We always love being able to see the Pelletier Family and Laura kept Oliver entertained!

Kaitlyn and Oliver in their Christmas pajamas .... kisses for the cousins

It was fun to spend Christmas Eve with the Boldt family.

Christmas morning!!! Oliver had so much fun eating... I mean opening the presents.

Christmas evening at Great Grandma and Grandpa Ullery's with the family was very special for us and we are so glad Oliver got to spend time with all of you!

Papa and Oliver ..... Nana Sheri and Nana Nancy with their grandbabies!

On the way home, we stopped at the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Yum!

We also went to the Oregon coast aquarium. Oliver kept pounding on the glass trying to get the fish, crabs, and sharks. He had not been very vocal until around Christmas, so we had a lot of fun hearing him babble at the fish.

Pit stop at Starbucks for the drive home.... Nick hooked up a video monitor in the back seat, so we could watch Oliver while we drove at night. Here he is sound asleep - our little angel!!