Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Family Blog

So I decided to merge our previous "Oliver's Fan Club Blog" to a more whole family oriented blog. I mean really why does a year and a half old need his own blog? He's not posting. All he can do is bang on the keys (and somehow reset the background on Lindsey's computer, which she hasn't reset yet for some reason...but that's beside the point). He's really pretty computer illiterate at this point. We're working on it but all he seems to want to do is watch Lewis and Jenson on McLaren Tooned videos and say, "zoooommmmm."

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but just haven't gotten to it quite yet. But as recent life events have occurred, I've decided this would be a great way of keeping people posted (probably have a little therapeutic benefit as well) without having to have hundreds of individual conversations about the same thing. Not that I don't want to (who am I kidding...I don't really want to), I just don't think I'll be able to keep up.

Lindsey is insisting that there is some way to distinguish my posts from hers. I'll work on making it more clear for everyone, but it should be pretty simple. If there are f-bomb laced posts it's probably not Lindsey. I'll try to keep it mostly clean, but sometimes there are just no other words to accurately describe a situation. I mean come on, if you whack you head on the overhead compartment of a plane so hard it bleeds a little (someone may have done this recently) you're not going to say, "Oh darn what did I just do." First of all it's about six syllables to long. I mean how inefficient. It just doesn't say, "Oh my god you stupid idiot why don't you look where you going. That hurts really bad," like a good f-bomb does. One word to take place of an entire sentence, how much more green can I be? Think of how much ink and paper is saved because of a single word that means so much. Just trying to do my little part.

So here we go...we're off...hopefully we (Lindsey and I) will be a little more on it and keep this sucker going.

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