Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pain in Nick's A**: Chemo...DONE!

So here I am...I take my last Chemo pills in the morning. DONE...Freaking DONE. Oh how glad I am to not have to feel crappy again next week.

Last Chemo Drip Treatment

During my last drip the Stanford Infusion Center staff sang me a little song.

So what are the next steps? Well on the 18th of July I get the pleasure of finally having a full colonoscopy, since they've been unable to get a good look past the first few inches. So that will be fun. After that I'll have a CT scan sometime in the fall just to keep an eye on everything.

As of now I look forward to recovering from the Chemo (little neuropathy in the feet), then hopefully this can all go in the history books as a bad nightmare.