Thursday, December 6, 2012

Here comes trouble!!

Well Oliver's curiosity of all things continues to grow. He's getting stronger, taller, and smarter which makes containing him more difficult. Our philosophy is to not let him do something that will do major harm (bumps and bruises are part of growing up), but let him explore the limits. He's tried to climb the bar stools twice now, both ended in failure. The other day he grabbed his toy microwave and pushed it up to the wall then proceeded to climb on top of it to reach the light switches.

 Oliver playing with the light switch.

I was watching the whole thing, decided he couldn't kill himself and let it proceed. Overall he's a pretty cautious climber and will fuss when he feels he gets 'stuck'. Then a proceed to tell him, "you got yourself into the mess, get yourself out." 9 times out of 10 he figures it out, that 10th time usually requires a 'spot'.

He's also figured out the water dispenser on the fridge. Luckily, we've gated the kitchen so we can keep him out most of the time. Otherwise there would be a puddle on the ground all the time because he absolutely loves playing with water. From time to time Lindsey or I will forget the gate is open. Of course he takes advantage of that, by running in there, slamming the gate behind him, turning to us to wave and say, "buh -bye", then proceed to make trouble.

Playing with the wa wa dispenser.

As you can see we're not raising an idiot. I mean if you're going to play with water why would you not have a kitchen towel handy to dry yourself off from time to time. It only makes logical sense.

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